Schizophrenia, like its name sounds, is one of the most misunderstood psychiatric conditions. There are so many people out there who have had assumed that Schizophrenia can’t be cured.
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia, one of the most complex mental health conditions has three types, mainly, paranoid type, disorganized type and catatonic type. Paranoid type is a form of schizophrenia where a person experiences auditory hallucinations, delusions and thoughts of reference. Disorganized type is a form of schizophrenia where a person loses touch with reality, they are unable to distinguish reality from fantasy and make bizarre and illogical statements. Catatonic type is a form of schizophrenia where a person appears to be catatonic and does not respond to any stimuli.
What are the symptoms of Schizophrenia?
People who suffer from Schizophrenia often report experiencing hardship in any social gatherings. They also face trouble in establishing and maintaining a relationship. They love being lonely and hardly talk to anyone. People who suffer from Schizophrenia have also reported to psychiatrists in Indore of hearing voices that others cannot hear or see things that others cannot see. Being violent, aggressive behaviour, trouble sleeping and concentrating are some more symptoms of Schizophrenia.
The causes of schizophrenia are not known. Some risk factors for schizophrenia include certain genes and certain birth defects. It is not clear if schizophrenia runs in families. The symptoms of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, unusual thinking, and lack of emotion. The onset of the condition is usually during adolescence or early adulthood.
Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
Diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on clinical interviews, physical examination and laboratory tests. The diagnosis of schizophrenia requires confirmation by at least two Indore psychiatrists. There is no one test that can diagnose schizophrenia.
Treatment of schizophrenia
Treatment of schizophrenia is individualized and depends on the severity of the symptoms. Treatment usually involves medication, but sometimes the treatment will involve psychotherapy.
About the Author:
Dr. Apurva Tiwari is an Indore-based psychiatrist engaged in offering mental health services to the general population of the nation. She has been serving in the field of psychiatry for the past 8+ years. Over the years, she has acquired immense popularity for the quality of mental health services that she offers.